In 2017, the Governor and members of the State Legislature enacted a State Budget including a provision that mandates the County Executive lead a panel comprised of all city, town and village executives in the creation of a county-wide shared services property tax savings plan.
The County was tasked with developing a long-term property tax savings plan that includes initiatives, such as shared services, the elimination of duplicative services, consolidation, or other efficiency activities that will result in recurring property tax savings.
For more information about the shared services programs provided by the County Click Here
Dutchess County Government has long been a leader in shared service and consolidation efforts, having reduced the size of county government over several years and cutting the county property tax levy each year for the last five years. Key in those efforts has been the Municipal Innovation Grant Program - specifically designed to incentivize municipalities to share service, evaluate consolidation opportunities, establish a regional delivery of services, and implement other efficiencies. Since 2013, County Executive Molinaro and the Dutchess County Legislature have allocated millions in grants through the Municipal Innovation Grant Program, funding more than 50 projects. Learn more about the Municipal Innovation Grant Program.
The panel did not convene in 2023 and a letter was sent from the County Executive to the Secretary of State indicating Dutchess was not submitting a plan this year as allowed under the initiative.
County Executive's Letter to Secretary Robert J. Rodriguez 12-28-2023 (.pdf)
The panel did not convene in 2022 and a letter was sent from the County Executive to the Secretary of State indicating Dutchess was not submitting a plan this year as allowed under the initiative.
County Executive's Letter to Secretary Robert J. Rodriguez 12-6-2022 (.pdf)
As required, Dutchess County developed a shared services savings plan for 2021 and held shared services panel meetings on:
As required, Dutchess County held public hearings on the draft plan on the following dates:
This is the proposed 2021 County-Wide Shared Services Plan which projects $1.14 Million in savings to be implemented in 2022 and eligible for match funds in 2023. The plan was submitted to New York State December 22, 2021.
As required, Dutchess County developed a shared services savings plan for 2020 and held shared services panel meetings on:
As required, Dutchess County held public hearings on the draft plan on the following dates:
This is the proposed 2020 County-Wide Shared Services Plan which projects $383 Thousand in savings to be implemented in 2021 and eligible for match funds in 2022. The plan was submitted to New York State December 24, 2020.
2019 County-Wide Shared Services Panel Information
As required, Dutchess County is in the process of developing a shared services savings plan for 2019. View presentations from the shared services panel meetings:
This is the final 2019 County-Wide Shared Services Plan which projects $2.3 million in savings to be implemented in 2020 and eligible for match funds in 2021. The plan was submitted to the Dutchess County Legislature on August 8, 2019 for the 45 day review period and public hearings were held on the following dates:
The Plan was submitted to the Department of State on December 19, 2019 and the County Executive will air the presentation of the plan on the County’s Facebook page on December 30, 2019 at 12pm. You can view the presentation here:
View "Dutchess Together: A County-wide Shared Services Plan" on YouTube
Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro submitted the developed Tax Savings Plan as adopted and approved by all 30 local municipalities to the New York State Division of Budget in September, 2017. The plan, called “Dutchess Together” features 37 projects that collectively can provide over $27 million in taxpayer savings in 2018 and 2019, if all projects are successfully implemented. View the Shared Services Tax Savings Plan - Final (.pdf)
The plan represents the hard work and dedication of all of our municipalities and participating school districts. In 2017, the County hosted four panel meetings to develop the plan. View presentations from the shared services panel meetings:
As required by the State law, Dutchess County informed residents about the plan in a summary publication, including information about specific projects proposed for their region of the county. Click on the map to read about how your community is sharing services.
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