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Over the years, we have undertaken numerous transportation studies to evaluate existing infrastructure, identify areas for improvement, and guide future investment. These studies have covered topics including transportation safety, walking and bicycling infrastructure, public transit, and more. 

Scroll down to explore or visit our planning studies map to easily reference the locations of our published transportation studies.

Local Transportation Studies 
Columbus Drive Redesign (2024)
Arlington Parking Assessment (2023)
Village of Rhinebeck Route 9 Complete Streets Study (2022)
Poughkeepsie 9.44.55 (2022); Executive Summary; Appendices (large file size); webpage
Arlington Main Street Redesign Initiative (2021); Appendices; webpage
Poughkeepsie Parking Improvement Plan (2018); Summary; Analysis of Future Demand
Upper Route 9G Corridor Management Plan (2016)
Beacon Center City Parking Analysis (2014)
CR 93 (Myers Corners Rd/Middlebush Rd) Corridor Management Plan (2011) ( Parts 1; 2; 3)
Village of Wappingers Falls Route 9 Study - DCTC portion (2011)
Pleasant Valley Traffic Analysis (2007)
Fishkill Route 52 Alternatives Analysis (2007)
Route 9 Land Use and Transportation Study (2007); Summary
Fishkill Traffic Analysis (2006)
Intersection Management Program (2005)
I-84 Commercial Vehicle Parking/Rest Area Study (2003)
Village of Pawling Parking Survey (2003)
Route 22 Access Management Study (2005)
Route 22 Corridor Management Plan (2002); Corridor Map
Wappingers Falls Transportation Plan (2001)
Poughkeepsie Transportation Strategy (1997)

Pedestrian/Bicycle Studies
Spackenkill Road Sidewalk Feasibility Study (2023)
Dover Plains Pedestrian Plan (2023)
Village of Pawling Pedestrian Plan (2019); Summary Handout
Millerton Pedestrian Plan (2018); Appendices; Summary Handout
City of Beacon - Beekman Street Complete Streets Analysis (2018); Appendices
Arlington Town Center Pedestrian Plan (2017); Appendices; Summary Handout
Pine Plains Town Center Pedestrian Plan (2014); Executive Summary
Hyde Park Town Center Pedestrian Study (2013); Summary Handout
Village of Rhinebeck Sidewalk Study (2011); Executive Summary
CR 71 (West Road) Sidewalk Feasibility Study (2018 Update); 2010 Original
Hopewell Hamlet Pedestrian Plan (2002)
Walk Bike Dutchess (2014 Pedestrian Bicycle Plan): Executive SummaryAll ChaptersAll Appendices; page with separate chapters/appendices
Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (1996)

Safety Studies
CR 14 (Hollow Rd) Safety Assessment (2021)
CR 19 (Slate Quarry Rd)-Clinton Safety Assessment (2019)
CR 9 (Beekman Rd)-East Fishkill Safety Assessment (2018)
City of Poughkeepsie: Main St/Innis/Worrall Ave Safety Assessment (2017)
CR 19 (Slate Quarry Rd)-Rhinebeck Safety Assessment (2014)
CR 16 (North Quaker Ln)-Hyde Park Safety Assessment (2013)
CR 9 (Beekman Rd)-Beekman Safety Assessment (2013)

Dutchess County High-End Speeding Analysis

Pavement Condition Data
Maps by Municipality (Federal Aid Eligible Roads Only): 202320222020

Transit Studies
Dutchess County Transit Study (2021)
Connect Mid-Hudson: Regional Transit Plan (2021)
Bus Expansion Feasibility Study (2013): Summary; Tech Memo 1; Tech Memo 2
Transit Development Plan (2009)

Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan
2021, 2015, 2008, 2003

Metropolitan Transportation Plans 
Moving Dutchess Forward (2021)
Moving Dutchess 2Appendices (2016)
Moving DutchessAppendices (2011)
New Connections (2007)
Transportation Plan Update (1998)

Climate Vulnerability Assessment
Resilient Ways Forward (RWF) Transportation Resilience Improvement Plan (TRIP) (2024)
RWF Climate Change Summary Report (2023)
RWF Phase 1 Vulnerability Assessment (2023)
RWF Phase 2 Vulnerability Assessment (2024)

Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) (by State Fiscal Year)
2024-2025; 2023-20242022-20232021-2022; 2020-20212019-20202018-2019 

Annual Listing of Obligated Projects (by Federal Fiscal Year)

Congestion Management Planning
Congestion Management Process (2019); Regional Planning page with other reports
Regional Travel Time Survey (2011): Summary; Presentation; Charts; Maps (AM; Mid-Day; PM; Sat.)
Previous Congestion Management Reports: Step 1 Report (2005); Step 2 Report (2006)

Other Publications
Federal Certification Report (2022)
DCTC Bylaws (2024)
DCTC Public Participation Plan (2022)
DCTC Project Selection Framework (2022) 

Fact Sheets developed by the NYS Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations